Hypnosum* Journey:

Activating Your DNA

The Hypnosum Journey is designed to unlock hidden potential and facilitate profound personal growth. Aligning with NuDreem’s mission to spread love, instigate positive change, and shape a brighter future, this series leverages the innovative Hypnosum technique, combining advanced methods with DNA activation to awaken new possibilities within you. Guided by Reem’s visionary insights, this program offers a transformative journey into self-discovery.

*Hyp·no·sum (hypnə−səm)

  • hyp (prefix): to get on, ride, straddle; to rise, go up, climb into.
  • nosum (suffix): from “no see um,” referring to something not easily seen or noticed.

Self-Discovery and Transformation

The Hypnosum Journey is designed to guide participants through a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation. By clearing and realigning energy centers, awakening new potentials within DNA, and integrating these experiences into daily life, this series provides powerful tools for personal growth. The comprehensive approach ensures lasting change, empowering participants to embrace their true potential and live a more fulfilling life.

Join the Hypnosum Journey today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Sign up now and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Transformative Journey: Hypnosum Journey

Begin your transformative journey with the Hypnosum Journey. Each session builds on the last, guiding you to clear energy blocks, activate latent DNA, and integrate new insights into daily life. Unlock your true potential and embrace profound personal growth.

Sign Up Now!

Session 1: Clearing Pathways and Realigning Energy Centers

In this foundational session, you will:

  • Experience deep healing as you clear blocked energies and realign your energy centers, preparing your mind and body for transformation.
  • Learn about energy clearing and realignment concepts.
  • Prepare your mind and body for deeper transformative work through relaxation and centering practices.

This session aims to clear blocked energies and realign your energy centers, providing a solid foundation for your transformative journey.

Session 2: Diving Deeper into Your Intentions and Healing

This transformative session will facilitate healing by activating your DNA, helping you unlock new potentials for emotional and physical well-being. It will also help you:

  • Deepen your understanding of personal intentions and release residual energies.
  • Engage in guided discussions to uncover underlying blockages.
  • Facilitate self-awareness and intuition to help participants find their own answers.

This session focuses on enhancing self-understanding, healing, and clearing more blockages before the final session.

Session 3: Hypnosum Activation

This session provides tools for integrating healing and newfound energies into your daily life for sustained personal growth. In this session, we will:

  • Utilize Hypnosum techniques to activate your DNA and awaken new potentials.
  • Integrate insights and experiences from previous sessions.
  • Provide guidelines for continued practice and personal growth.

This session aims to integrate newfound energies and insights, equipping participants with the tools necessary for sustained personal growth and transformation.

Sign Up Now!


How is the Hypnosum Journey Scheduled?

The Hypnosum Journey is offered as a complete package consisting of three interconnected sessions. These sessions are designed to work together as a cohesive experience, meaning they cannot be attended individually. Each session builds upon the last, guiding you step-by-step through your personal transformation.

  • Session 1: Clearing Pathways and Realigning Energy Centers
    This session focuses on removing energetic blockages and restoring balance to your energy centers. By clearing these pathways, you create the space necessary for personal transformation and growth.
  • Session 2: Understanding Intentions and Releasing Energies
    In this session, we dive deeper into your intentions, helping you understand and harness their power. We work together to release stagnant energies, opening the door to new possibilities.
  • Session 3: Hypnosum Activation
    This final session is where the true activation happens. Using advanced techniques, we help you unlock hidden potentials within your energy field, allowing for a profound and lasting transformation.

Sessions are hosted online via Zoom, offering you the flexibility to join from anywhere in the world. We encourage you to create a comfortable, distraction-free environment to maximize your engagement and growth. Be sure to mark your calendars and set aside this time for deep personal development and spiritual enrichment.

What to Expect?

The Hypnosum Journey: Activating Your DNA offers a comprehensive, deeply transformative experience designed to guide you through a journey of self-discovery, healing, and empowerment. Across three interconnected sessions, participants engage in advanced techniques and DNA activation to unlock hidden potentials within their energy field.

Expect a healing process that includes clearing and realigning energy centers, providing emotional and energetic balance.

Throughout this journey, you can expect to:

1. Clear and Realign Your Energy Centers: In the first session, remove energetic blockages that limit personal growth, allowing for a harmonious flow of energy throughout your body and mind.
2. Set and Understand Intentions: In the second session, harness the power of intentions—guiding you to release stagnant energies and align with your highest purpose.
3. Activate Your Latent DNA: The final session culminates by activating dormant parts of your DNA, unlocking your highest potential, fostering profound change, and transforming every aspect of your life.

Each session builds upon the previous one, ensuring a cohesive and powerful path to personal growth, self-awareness, and energetic alignment. By the end of the Hypnosum Journey, you will feel more in tune with your authentic self, aware of your inner potential, and ready to integrate these transformative experiences into your daily life.

Whether you’re seeking spiritual enlightenment, personal empowerment, or a deeper connection with your energy, this journey will guide you toward a more fulfilling and aligned version of yourself.

Who is this Program For?

The Hypnosum Journey is ideal for individuals seeking deep personal transformation, spiritual growth, and a deeper connection to their energy and purpose. Whether you’re at the beginning of your self-discovery journey or are an experienced energy worker, this program offers powerful tools and insights to help unlock your hidden potential.

This program is designed for those who are:

  • Open to exploring advanced techniques in energy clearing, intention setting, and DNA activation, seeking to elevate their personal growth to a whole new level.
  • Committed to integrating these transformative practices into their daily lives, ready to embrace the profound shifts that come with clearing energetic blockages and aligning with their highest potential.
  • Looking for a holistic approach to personal development that combines both spiritual and practical techniques to promote lasting transformation, emotional clarity, and a sense of empowerment.
  • Curious about activating latent potential, whether new to these concepts or already familiar with energy work. The Hypnosum Journey welcomes all who are eager to deepen their understanding of their energetic blueprint and are ready to experience life-changing results.

This program is perfect for anyone who feels a calling for more—whether it’s more fulfillment, more purpose, or more alignment. By embarking on this journey, you are making a powerful commitment to yourself, unlocking pathways to inner wisdom and profound change.

What Will be the Transformative Effect?

Participants of the Hypnosum Journey can expect profound personal growth, healing, and transformation. By working with advanced energy clearing techniques and activating dormant DNA potentials, individuals tap into new dimensions of their being, unlocking hidden capabilities and deeper self-awareness.

The healing process fosters emotional stability, self-awareness, and physical well-being.

As you realign your energy centers and shed old patterns, you will experience:

1. Heightened Self-Awareness: Gain clarity about your true self and a deeper understanding of your purpose, leading to more intentional and confident living.
2. Emotional Balance and Stability: Experience fewer emotional fluctuations and greater resilience as energy blockages are cleared and realigned.
3. Expanded Potential: Activation of latent DNA helps you access untapped potential, allowing for inner power and freedom from limiting beliefs.
4. Enhanced Well-Being: Release stagnant energies and align with your higher self, leading to a more energized, grounded, and harmonious state.

The true transformative effect comes from integrating these newfound insights and energetic shifts into your daily life. By the end of the Hypnosum Journey, you will have the tools, clarity, and energy alignment necessary to sustain these shifts and continue evolving on your path of self-discovery and growth.

*The Origin of Hyp·no·sum

The name “Hypnosum” carries a meaningful and unique story, reflecting the essence of the transformative journey it offers through the Hypnosum Journey: Activating Your DNA.

Derived from two parts:

hyp (prefix): Meaning to get on, ride, straddle; to rise, go up, climb into. This signifies the ascent and the journey participants embark on during the series.

nosum** (suffix): From “no see um,” referring to something not easily seen or noticed. It represents the subtle, often hidden potentials within us that the series aims to uncover and activate.

By combining these elements, “Hypnosum” encapsulates the process of rising to new heights and discovering hidden aspects of oneself. This name perfectly embodies the series’ goal of guiding participants towards unlocking their latent potentials and achieving personal growth, aligning seamlessly with NuDreem’s mission of spreading love, instigating positive change, and shaping a brighter future.

Pricing and Payment Information

The entire Hypnosum Activation Series is offered as a complete bundle of three transformative sessions for a total investment of $600. These sessions are designed to work together as a cohesive journey, and cannot be purchased individually. To secure your spot, we kindly request full payment at the time of scheduling. This ensures your commitment to a life-changing experience that will elevate your personal growth and well-being.

Remember, this is an investment in yourself—one that promises to unlock hidden potential and lead to profound transformation. You are worthy of this journey, and we are here to guide you every step of the way. Let this be the start of something truly remarkable!

Our Clients Say

M.B.Melbourne, Australia

Reem, thank you so much for your help & guide through the healing session .. it really helped me to be more aware.. more understanding to what had happened & what’s happening in my life .. it did help me to trust & understand my inner energy & feelings more .. thank you

ErsegunToronto, Canada

I am grateful to Reem and the program for the positive transformation in my life that took place in such a short period of time. It is a great chance to remember and regain the balances that we have forgotten in our lives. Thank you!

EbruFort Lauderdale, FL

I gained a deeper understanding of what it means to recover and regain balance after participating in this program. Your program has made a lasting impact on my life, and I'm grateful!

S.E.24, AZ

Overall, Reem has been a HUGE part of my healing journey, and if it wasn’t for her soul sessions and guidance that we did, I don’t know where I would be right now. I now trust myself more, able to recognize unresolved emotions, have more clarity and direction in my soul journey. I highly recommend her!!

Join the Hypnosum Journey today and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Sign up now and take the first step towards a brighter future.